Saturday, November 23, 2019

New additions to the coop

One of the most important things about keeping chickens other then the normal care and feeding is insuring their safety. Its very common that people will lose them to predators over time because animals like foxes, raccoons, etc will work very hard at figuring out how to get them. We lost a few to the local foxes this year because of a flaw in the coop, it is now fixed and they are totally safe and protected while inside.

When its time to get new chickens we like the idea of getting chickens that other people don't want anymore and we will take them and give them a lifetime home. We found just that this week, three chickens and moved them here with the others. There is a pecking order which means that one chicken will take charge of all the others, this was seen right away with the new hens. Lola didn't like the new birds in her territory and had to show them who's boss and keep them in line, it took about a week for them all to figure out there place and now they get along with each other just fine.

"Queen Lola"

The new additions, Buttercup, Bella and Iris.

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